Course: Formal Methods 2022
Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven
Monday June 13 – Friday June 17, 2022
IPA organises Advanced Courses on each of its major research fields: Algorithmics and Complexity, Formal Methods and Software Technology. Each of these Advanced Courses intends to give an overview of (part of) the research of IPA in this specific field.
This Advanced Course focusses on subject areas in formal methods where successful research is being conducted by groups in or affiliated with IPA. From several of these areas, topics are taken to which an entire course day is dedicated. Course days consist of lectures mixed with active training (exercises, assignments, etc.).
Dates, Locations and Programme
The lectures will take place in various rooms on the campus of Eindhoven University of Technology. See for information on how to reach the campus, and where to find the respective buildings.
The overall schedule of the course is as follows: course days will start at 10.00 and last until approximately 16.30 hours. Short coffee breaks are planned mid-morning and mid-afternoon and an organised lunch break 12.15-13.30 with lunch.
On Tuesday June 14th, the course day will be followed by drinks 16:30–17:30 and a buffet diner (Indonesian “rijsttafel”) 17:30—ca. 19:30.
MONDAY 13 June | Joshua Moerman (OU) and Frits Vaandrager (RU) |
Auditorium, Senaatszaal | Introduction to Active Automata Learning In this tutorial on active automata learning algorithms, we will start with the In the second part of the tutorial we will discuss various applications of active Next, we will introduce L # , a new and simple approach to active automata learning. Instead of focusing on equivalence of observations, like the L * algorithm and its descendants, L # takes a different perspective: it tries to establish apartness, a constructive form of inequality. The course will be accompanied by examples and exercises with the LearnLib tool and prepare participants to apply automata learning in practice. |
TUESDAY 14 June | Jorge Perez and Dan Frumin (RUG) |
De Zwarte Doos, Filmzaal |
Session Types for Message-Passing Concurrency This course day will offer participants an overview of the key concepts of session types, a type-based approach for communication correctness in message-passing concurrent programs. Session types have been intensively developed within different research communities (notably, concurrency theory, programming languages, and software engineering) in the last 20 years. The course day describes these developments in two parts. In the first part, participants will be exposed to basic concepts of session types, in binary and multiparty formulations. The second part analyzes these concepts from the perspective of “propositions as sessions”, the correspondence that elegantly connects session types and linear logic in the style of the Curry-Howard isomorphism. After the course day, participants will have a high-level understanding of how session types offer a rigorous, paradigm-independent verification methodology for message-passing programs. They will also have an essential understanding of the key literature and open research problems in this area. |
De Zwarte Doos, Grand Café |
Drinks 16:30–17:30 and a buffet diner (Indonesian “rijsttafel”) 17:30—ca. 19:30. |
WEDNESDAY 15 June | Joost-Pieter Katoen (RWTH Aachen) |
Auditorium, Senaatszaal |
Reasoning about probabilistic programs |
THURSDAY 16 June | Arend Rensink (UT) |
Gemini-zuid 3A13 |
Graph transformation: theory (a little) and practice (a lot) Theoretically, directed graphs can be understood as generalisations of Practically, directed graphs are a very intuitive way of understanding During this workshop, we briefly explore some of the foundations of |
FRIDAY 17 June | Henning Basold (UL) |
Gemini-zuid 3A13 |
Introduction to Dependent Type Theory for Computer-Assisted Proofs |
Please register via this form. Registration is available until Monday June 6th at 10:00.
As always, IPA PhD candidates can attend for free. For others, details on pricing will be made available upon request.
Overnight accommodation is not included by default for this course. The schedule is set up in such a way that it is feasible for many students to commute. In the event this is not feasible (mainly: PhD candidates based at RUG or UT), let us know and we will arrange basic overnight accommodation. You can specify your accommodation needs on the registration form.