Van der Valk Hotel, Eindhoven,
November 27-28, 2013
ICT.OPEN aims to bring together researchers coming from diverse fields of ICT. The event is organised by NWO, STW and is sponsored by IPA. Detailed information regarding the programme can be obtained through the ICT.OPEN website.
In line with previous years, IPA has decided to reimburse IPA PhD students attending ICT.OPEN 2013 for their registration costs and hotel costs (with a maximum of 62,50 Euro for the latter).
You can send your reimbursement requests between 1 and 20 December, i.e. after the event has taken place. Note that we do not reimburse no-shows.
Our preferred method of reimbursing is to process requests per research group or per faculty (to reduce the inevitable overhead). A copy of the relevant invoices must be sent to the IPA office via email, together with your (IBAN) bank account information and your address.
A final note: the IPA office was not in any part involved in organising ICT.OPEN. Any further requests for information about ICT.OPEN should therefore be directed to the organisation of ICT.OPEN.