Spring Days on Model-Driven Software Engineering

Hotel Overbosch, Garderen,
April 16-20, 2012

The IPA Spring Days are an annual multi-day event, dedicated to a specific theme of current interest to the research community of IPA. This year’s Spring Days are dedicated to Model-Driven Software Engineering, fitting in the homonymous focus area Model-Driven Software Engineering of the research school for the period 2007-2012.

Model-Driven Software Engineering (MDSE) is increasingly used in industrial and scientific communities; it is a paradigm that offers the means to improve the productivity of engineers while, at the same time, raising the quality of software that is developed. This is achieved by, when designing the software, working at the level of abstraction that is required for effectively expressing and reasoning about the concepts natural to the problem domain in which the software has to be applied. Instead of writing code, MDSE focuses on developing models, written in Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs). Such models can be used to specify (parts of) the (desired) functionality, structure and/or behaviour of a system.

Ideally, the DSL, and models written in the DSL are platform independent, and the domain concepts provided by DSLs are typically not computing oriented: models written in a DSL are not directly usable for, among others, automatic execution. Therefore, such models need to be translated to different, computing-oriented models. Such computing-oriented models can be analysed and verified, or they may give rise to platform-specific executable applications. In these Spring Days, we will see various ways of defining languages, transforming and generating models and analysing the quality of models. Through the programme, we hope to give an impression of the wealth and diversity of MDSE research and practice.

The programme of the MDSE Spring Days is composed by Tijs van der Storm (CWI), Alexander Serebrenik (TU/e) and Arend Rensink (UT)


Registration closed on 4 April.

As always, IPA PhD students can attend for free. For others, details on pricing is available at the end of this page.

To make maximal use of the available capacity, we process applications on the following basis: Registrations are treated “first come, first serve”. All PhD students (IPA and non-IPA) have to share a room. Others may also be asked to share if we run out of rooms. We will accept participants until we run out of space at the hotel!


Monday 16 April is reserved for the IPA PhD workshop.

A detailed day-to-day programme for the MDSE programme of the Spring Days is available below.


11.00-12.00 Arrival/Registration
14.00-14.30 Jeroen Bransen (UU) Scheduling attribute grammar computations
14.30-15.00 Bogdan Vasilescu (TU/e) Linguistic diversity in open-source development
15.00-15.30 Gijs Kant (UT) Instantiation of Parameterised Boolean Equation Systems to Parity Games
coffee/tea break
16.00-16.30 Ulyana Tikhonova (TU/e) Automaton-Based Approach for Defining Domain-Specific Languages
16.30-17.00 Wouter Lueks (RU) Revocable Privacy
17.00-17.30 Afshin Amighi (UT) Correctness of Lock-free Data Structures
18.00-19.00 Drinks
19.00-20.30 Dinner


9.00-10.00 Tijs van der Storm (CWI) Domain-specific languages (slides)
coffee/tea break
10.30-11.15 Jurgen Vinju (CWI) The mechanics of building a DSL using Rascal (slides)
11.15-12.00 Jeroen van den Bos (CWI) Digital Forensics DSL (slides)
14.00-15.00 Eelco Visser (TUD) Language Workbenches: State-of-the-Art and Research Agenda (slides)
coffee/tea break
15.30-16.15 Hans Vangheluwe (University of Antwerp and McGill University) Evolution of DSLs (slides)
16.15-17.00 Felienne Hermans (TUD) Detecting and Visualizing Inter-worksheet Smells in Spreadsheets (slides)
18.30-20.00 Dinner


9.00-10.00 Tony Sloane (Macquarie University) Implementing Domain-Specific Languages using Embedding (slides)
coffee/tea break
10.30-11.15 Vadim Zaytsev (CWI) Maintenance and Evolution of Grammarware by Grammar Transformation (slides)
11.15-12.00 Ramon Schiffelers (ASML) Model based design, analysis and construction of servo controllers for lithoscanners
14.00-15.00 Arend Rensink (UT) Behaviour-preserving Model Transformations (slides)
coffee/tea break
15.30-16.15 Maarten de Mol (UT) CHART: An Approach for Non-Invasive Model Transformation (slides)
16.15-17.00 Pieter van Gorp (TU/e) The TRE Framework for Transformation Engineering and its application to Process Model Transformation (slides)
18.30-20.00 Dinner


9.00-10.00 Ralf Lämmel (University of Koblenz) Megamodeling Software Products and Software Technologies (slides)
coffee/tea break
10.30-11.15 Jurriaan Hage (UU) Domain Specific Type Error Diagnosis for Embedded Domain Specific Languages (slides)
11.15-12.00 Luc Engelen (TU/e) In Vitro Development of a Domain-Specific Modeling Language
14.00-15.00 Michel Chaudron (UL) Empirical Evidence on Modeling in Software Development (slides)
coffee/tea break
15.30-16.15 Ramin Etemaadi (UL) Quality-Driven Optimization of Software Architecture Design
16.15-17.00 Ivan Kurtev (UT) Scalability and performance in model transformations: and experiment with ATL, QVT and Java
18.30-20.00 Dinner
20.30- Social Event


9.15-10.00 Yanja Dajsuren (TU/e) Automotive ADL: industrial case study (slides)
coffee/tea break
10.30-11.30 Paris Avgeriou (RUG) Architecture Decision Viewpoints: Metamodels and Empirical Validation
11.30-12.15 Uwe van Heesch (RUG) Architecture Decision Viewpoints: Metamodels and Empirical Validation (cont’d)
12.15-12.20 Closing


IPA Ph.D. students free (shared room only!)
Speakers free overnight stay
Others 5 days EUR 650 (single room), EUR 500 (shared)
1 day EUR 130 (single room), EUR 100 (shared)

Please note that Ph.D. students who are not in IPA will be charged as others.
The participation costs are to be paid upon departure from the hotel.
All PhD students (IPA and non-IPA) have to share rooms. Others may also be asked to share if we run out of rooms.


How to get to Hotel Overbosch, Garderen

See the hotel website for the address.