The IPA office is located at the TU/e. The management team of IPA consists of the following members:
- Prof.dr. A. (Alexander) Serebrenik (TU/e), scientific director as of February 2021
- T.S. (Thomas) Neele (TU/e), managing director as of January 2024
- management assistant: vacant
The responsibility of the scientific director is to guarantee the (scientific) quality of the research and educational programme. The managing director is responsible for the organisation of these programmes.
The management team answers to the Board of IPA. This Board consists of representatives of each participating university or institute and has one member representing industry.
Currently active committees:
- Council of PhD candidates. This council consists of PhD candidates getting their education in IPA. Every participating university can nominate at most two members. The task of the council is to give advice to the board on matters concerning the education program and the research program.