IPA Dissertation Award

The Institute for Programming research and Algorithmics has established an annual Best IPA Dissertation Award, which is granted to the IPA PhD candidate who wrote the best IPA thesis, published in the IPA dissertation series in the preceding calendar year. The award consists of a certificate proclaiming the recipient has won the Best IPA Dissertation Award and a monetary reward. The purpose of the award is to draw attention to excellent work, to support the career of the academic in question, and to promote the IPA research field as a whole.


Eligible for the Best IPA Dissertation Award are those who successfully defended their PhD in the period from 1 January – 31 December of the preceding year and who have their thesis published in the IPA dissertation series. Candidates for the award must be nominated by their supervisor. Nominations must consist of:

  1. an electronic (PDF) version of the dissertation,
  2. a letter from the supervisor, explaining why the thesis should be considered for the award, and
  3. a supporting report from an independent researcher who has acted as examiner of the thesis at the defence.

There currently is no call for nominations. The next call will open early 2025.


The nominations will be evaluated by a committee of experts. Both the supervisor’s letter and the examiner’s report will play an important role in this evaluation, as do originality, impact and relevance of the work contained in each thesis.  The nominations, rankings and discussions are kept confidential within the expert committee. Decisions of this committee are final and not subject to further discussion.

If possible, the award will be handed out at a suitable occasion (e.g., an in-person IPA event) and the award winner will be given the opportunity to present their work at this occasion.

Expert Committee

  • Tanja Vos (Open Universiteit)
  • Andrea Capiluppi (University of Groningen)
  • Jurriaan Rot (Radboud Universiteit)

Previous Award Winners